GLOBAL ACADEMYADMISSION OPEN FOR ABACUSWhat is an abacus?To start with, an abacus is an ancient mathematic
GLOBAL ACADEMY ADMISSION OPEN FOR ABACUS What is an abacus? To start with, an abacus is an ancient mathematical counting tool. It consists of two rows of movable beads added to about 10-13 columns. The specific uses of an abacus surround mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. Moreover, this tool is equipped to help kids perform calculations involving fractions and even operations to find square or cube roots of numbers. It is particularly useful for children who have visual impairments and may find it difficult to use calculators or notebooks. While there are several different types of abacus such as the Chinese Suan-Pan or the Russian Schoty, the Japanese Sorobon is most popularly used in India. Apart from this, a commonly asked question is, “how many levels are there in abacus learning?”. Generally, the levels in an abacus learning course are divided based on the mathematical operation to be learnt. Hence, there are 8 to 12 levels in an abacus learning course - addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, percentage, square, square root, cube, cube root and LCM/HCM. However, this varies with each institution and can be further divided based on different age groups. Benefits of abacus for kids: Increases Focus Improved Memory Faster Calculations Enhanced Motor Skills Better Analytical Skills Keener Observations CONTACT NUMBER: 7045990990/9022990990
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