GLOBAL ACADEMYADMISSION OPEN FOR ABACUS CLASSESWhat is the Abacus?The abacus consists of a frame with beads

GLOBAL ACADEMY ADMISSION OPEN FOR ABACUS CLASSES What is the Abacus? The abacus consists of a frame with beads or discs that can be moved up and down on wire rods. Each row of beads represents a different value; the bottom row typically represents units, the next row tens, and so on. To perform a calculation, the user manipulates the beads to create the desired number and then uses their fingers to count the total. The 12 Benefits of Learning Abacus Makes the Brain Work Faster Enhances Photographic Memory Two-Way Concentration The use of the abacus develop Two-Way Concentration The use of the abacus develop Improves Mental Alertness and Problem-Solving skills Higher Accuracy and Speed in Calculations Improve Listening Skills and Focus Power Auditory & Visual Memory Skills Greater Eye to Hand Coordination Improves Motor Skills Enhances Social Skills Sharper Observation skills CONTACT NO:7045990990/9022990990

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